Cribbage Tournament

American Legion Post 487 43495 Trail Inn Rd S, Cable, WI, United States

Noon Start $20 per teams of 2

American Red Cross Blood Drive

American Legion Post 487 43495 Trail Inn Rd S, Cable, WI, United States

For an appointment, please visit or call 1-800-733-2767

2nd Annual Barstool Fishing Contest!

American Legion Post 487 43495 Trail Inn Rd S, Cable, WI, United States

Back by popular demand-The 2nd Annual Barstool Fishing Contest! Get ready to have some fun indoors. No gear needed just come ready to laugh and win some great prizes. Thursday, January 30th, 5 PM The Portage Friday, January 31st, 5 PM Otter Bay Resort Thursday, February 6th, 5PM Ammo's Evergreen Tavern Friday, February 7th, 5PM…

Cribbage Practice Tournament

American Legion Post 487 43495 Trail Inn Rd S, Cable, WI, United States

Bring yourself or a partner and practice your skills before the March tournaments begin. Teams of 2 $20 Call to reserve a spot or just show up with your board and will match you up. 715-798-4487 ~Feel free to bring a snack to pass~