Each year, the Cable Area Chamber of Commerce produces a comprehensive Vacation & Travel Guide with the latest information about our area.

As you browse through the guide, you’ll understand why the Cable Area is celebrated as one of the most beautiful places in the United States. Our unspoiled lakes, the majestic Chequamegon National Forest, abundant wildlife, warm and friendly people, and world-class events will capture your heart and imagination forever!

In today’s fast-paced world, the Cable Area offers a chance to escape, relax, unwind, and enjoy life. Whether you prefer to stay connected or completely disconnect, we have options for both. Many places offer Wi-Fi or internet connections, and cell phone reception is continually improving. Come for a day, a week, or forever—Cable is a fantastic place to visit or live.

Download the guide, or if you prefer a printed copy, request a FREE Cable Area Vacation & Travel Guide, and we will mail you one.