Moors and McCumber

StageNorth 123 W Omaha Street, Washburn, United States

Thursday, April 03, 2025 7:30PM at StageNorth A vocal harmony duo fifteen years in the making, Moors & McCumber have done more than just endear themselves to fans - they’ve built a genuine community. Bridging the gap between classic folk rock and present day Americana, they write heartfelt songs directly inspired by life’s experiences. With…

Tai Chi/Qi Gong

Cable Community Center 13660 Cty Hwy M, Cable, WI, United States

Tai Chi- The ultimate in moving balance meditation for increased balance and fall prevention. QiGong- Ancient Chinese mind-body exercise using breath, meditation, and movement to improve health.

Kevin Kling and Jan Lee

The Backstage 84810 State Highway 13, Bayfield, United States

Friday, April 4, 2025 at 7PM at The Backstage It may not feel like it yet, but spring will be in the air once April rolls around, it will be in our hearts, in our steps, and in our car seats! It will be time to celebrate; we will have earned it. And what better…

Fly Fishing Film Festival

The Park Center 15791 US Hwy 63, Hayward, WI, United States

Join Hayward Fly Fishing Company for the 2025 Fly Fishing Film Tour, a series of short films that showcase diverse stories and fly fishing adventures from around the world. Ticket sales will benefit Wild Rivers Conservancy, the friends group of the St. Croix and Namekagon Rivers, to support their work for the health of our…

Event Series CARE Community Dinner

CARE Community Dinner

Cable Community Center 13660 Cty Hwy M, Cable, WI, United States

Community Dinners are hosted on the 2nd Tuesday of every month (October though April) Held at the Cable Community Center 5pm-6pm All community members of Cable, Drummond, Grand View and Namakagon are invited to attend! January 14th: Trinity Lutheran Chapel & Great Divide ATV Club February 11th: St. Anne's Catholic Church March 11th: Living Hope…

Event Series Power Pump

Power Pump

Cable Community Center 13660 Cty Hwy M, Cable, WI, United States

This dumbbell class is designed for all fitness levels. Targets all major muscle groups by using exercise such as squats, presses, lifts, and curls. Emphasized low weight loads and high repetitions, motivational music.