All Day

World’s Longest Weenie Roast

Lakewoods Resort 21540 County Highway M, Cable

Save the Date for the BEST party on the lake! Join us for our end-of-the-season bash on Lake Namakagon! Racing! Food! Music! Fun! It's all happening on Lake Namakagon outside…

Event Series Tai Chi/Qi Gong

Tai Chi/Qi Gong

Cable Community Center 13660 Cty Hwy M, Cable

Tai Chi- The ultimate in moving balance meditation for increased balance and fall prevention. QiGong- Ancient Chinese mind-body exercise using breath, meditation, and movement to improve health.

Gin, Chocolate & Bottle Rockets

The Backstage 84810 State Highway 13, Bayfield

With natural musical chemistry, GCBR shares a bond in spirit and genuine passion for performance. The Indie Pop/Singer-Songwriter trio delivers powerhouse harmonies reminiscent of Wilson Phillips, The Wailin’ Jennys, and…