Participants decorate their bar stool-on-skis with some of the zaniest things you’ll ever see, and then they set off in head-to-head competition down the man-made ski hill for thrills, chills and lots of spills! Food, Drinks, and Great Raffle Ticket Prizes. Chili, Brats, and more.
25th Annual Barstool Races
February 15
This is a Sno-Jacks Fundraiser with Food, Drinks, and Great Raffle Ticket Prizes.
Races start at 12:00 noon with check-in starting at 11:00 a.m. Chili, Brats, and More!
We will have the General Race, Powder Puff Race and Open-class Racing.
We will also feature a Best of Show category.
Your Chance to race the course and get a free T-Shirt!
Fun, Fun, Fun, with Food and Beverages served next to the track!
On the day of the race, we will be pulling winners for the big Money Raffle
with $7500.00 in cash payout, along with our Fifty-Fifty Raffle.
Limited to 64 Racers
Powder Puff Races
Trophies & Cash Prizes
Registration: $30.00 Entry Fee
Entry Forms & More Information available at